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Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.

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Supply House Lead Generation

How does a supply house get new business?  They can advertise in local publications and online.  They can send out mailers,  they can email blast, or depend on SEO.  But there is no better way than making use of the human voice to connect with new prospects.  Just get a list of businesses that regularly use your products, call them up and introduce yourself. Chances are that they will welcome you as a steady supplier.


Accountant Lead Generation

How does an accountant get new business?  He can buy another accountant’s practice. He can advertise in local publications and online.  He can send out mailers, he can email blast, or depend on SEO.  But there is no better way than making use of the human voice to connect with new prospects.  Just get a list of businesses in your area, call them up and introduce yourself. Chances are that if they are indeed seeking out an accountant they will give you a shot.

Accountant Lead Generation

How does an accountant get new business?  He can buy another accountant’s practice. He can advertise in local publications and online.  He can send out mailers, he can email blast, or depend on SEO.  But there is no better way than making use of the human voice to connect with new prospects.  Just get a list of businesses in your area, call them up and introduce yourself. Chances are that if they are indeed seeking out an accountant they will give you a shot.

Hire a Telemarketer

Think this out in REVERSE. You want more business so you need new customers. You must meet with the new prospects to acquire new customers or clients. You must have a meeting set. You have to speak with the prospect to set a meeting. You or someone else can call the prospect. The phone call should be one of many that are on a predetermined list.  You must purchase a list. You have to hire someone to call. You have to train the caller and give the caller a script. You or someone else must develop the script. You can hire a caller in a number of ways OR you can pay a little more and have a professional company do it all for you.  Try using Get Me Appointments. In the long run you will save a lot of money, time and aggravation.

Telemarketing for Accounting Services

In order to expand, some accountancies buy out other accountancy practices.  That can prove to be extremely expensive, and there is the uncertainty of clients not staying with the new owners. One affordable and efficient way to capture more clients for your Accounting Practice is to hire a cold calling service to make introductory sales calls. The other direction you can take is Digital marketing, SEO and Social Media.  However usually new customers obtained through the digital marketing tend to be small sized entities. With cold calling you have the option of calling only those business that you desire as new customers.

Creating a Script

The Script is the printed material that a caller reads to the prospect without sounding like the caller is reading.  So it has to sound spontaneous. It should be compelling, intriguing, fresh sounding, credible and inviting. Get to the point quickly because decision makers do not have time to chat.  For help writing the script please call Get Me Appointments at 718-376-1555

Who should I target?

If your business is set up to cater to only one type of industry then focus on size, sales volume and geographical location. But if you service all types of businesses, then you should go after industries that are experiencing very strong performance right now. Those prospects will have plenty of expendable cash ready to pay for your service.  It doesn’t pay to set up meetings with companies that are hurting financially.


It’s official. People are back to work and picking up their calls. For many industries there are hundreds of free radicals floating around in the marketplace. In other words, during the shutdown, many potential clients have disconnected from their existing providers. That creates a volatile market in which the more aggressive providers capture the customers. So, YES.  Now may be the best opportunity for an outreach introductory sales telemarketing, appointment setting campaign.

Making a comeback

Good News! Telemarketing is making a comeback. Internet and Digital marketing has become overwhelmingly overcrowded and way too expensive. The good old fashioned “human voice” is what makes a lasting impression.


Just this last quarter Get Me Appointments has generated over 200 appointments for one client in the Financial Sector.


So instead of typing in “ How do I get a good appointment ”  or hire a telemarketer “  in Google, just dial 718-376-1555 and tell us you are looking to “ find a good telemarketer “  ,  “ get a good telemarketer “find somebody to make cold calls, get guaranteed appointments, or locate a telemarketing firm, and we will take care of the rest.  We will get a good list to call, write a compelling script, a good script, a new script,  develop talking points, make targeted phone calls, do outbound sales calling, make introductory sales calls, call new prospects, find new customers,  for your business.

when is the right time to start a telemarketing campaign.

People have been asking: Is this the right time to begin a telemarketing campaign?

The thing with telemarketing during COVID. First, certain industries should not do any telemarketing now. However other industries can embark on very successful campaigns right now. For instance, telecom and IT companies have a great opportunity to get a foot on the door because many businesses are in turmoil trying to accommodate their newly formed work-at-home workforce.

Who should be on your list to call?   If you are farming out the b2b telemarketing to a person or professional company, only include on the calling list companies that are sizable enough and are the right industries that you are eager to chase a bit. The telemarketer only opens the door.

Does Telemarketing work?   Not always. But when it does it pays off big. If you intend to win you must use a strategy. Make sure the telemarketing company you outsource to fully understands your mission. Make sure the list is right. Make sure the message is right. Make sure you follow up on the appointments and leads. This way you tilt the odds in your favor.

What about the script? Don’t use last years script. Don’t rely on just one script. Don’t think that the caller will have enough time to read more than two or three sentences initially. Don’t use an opening script to the receptionist that indicates you are a telemarketer. Do present yourself as from your client’s firm. Do say something that indicates the strength of the company you represent. Do come to the point quickly. Do single out what you can fix that may be wrong at prospects company.

Our Location

Our New York City based call center provides your business access to the strongest sales talent pool in the country.

Contact Get Me Appointments
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11223
Tel: 347-812-4358 Email: [email protected]